Hey guys, i’m asking if my house could be haunted. now our house is old, me and my family have had some paranormal incidents. i can tell those stories in another thread though. so recently there has been a fly infestation out of nowhere all over the house. we keep our house fairly clean(thanks to our mexican mom) and we have heard noises etc. also our doggy got sick out of nowhere when he was perfectly healthy. i don’t know if paranormal could affect our dog but if any one has advice or anything i’d appreciate it.
My LO is 13 weeks old and since day 1 has been a VERY alert and active baby. Eyes wide open and looking around when she was born, tracking objects immediately, curious about her environment, etc. When she first “woke up” to the world at 3.5w I was blown away by how distracted she became. She loves to look around with her head on a swivel.
With that said, she really enjoys being in the boba wrap or the ergo baby carrier when we go outside, but she does not fall asleep, even when tired. Last time she slept in the wrap was around 4w old and it hasn’t happened since. She will get to an overtired state and start crying instead. We aren’t sure how to encourage a nap in the carrier so that we can take her out in the world. Does anyone have any tips? Do we just have bad luck? Thank you.
If I was to create a solo franchise using PlayStation plus and after the ps+ time period was over. Am I still able to access the previous made franchise save?
u/Various_Couple_764 made some great points and I wanted to post an updated **Dividend-Focused Allocation Strategy.** See the image attached.
Original post [Dividend-Focused Allocation Strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/dividendinvesting/comments/1igfip6/dividendfocused_allocation_strategy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)

We have a cold front/winter storm rolling in. The last one we had debilitated me. It causes a ton of inflammation in my body. The inflammation just causes a slew of other issues. Is this something I will always have to deal with now??
I took the GRE on Feb 1st 2025 and scored a 336 170V 166Q. I’m writing this to give those out there that believe they are bad test takers (like me) and anyone who thinks that a score above 330+ is out of their reach. I took the test 4 times and below are my scores:
Attempt 1 June 2024: 314 (159V 155Q)
Attempt 2 July 2024: 322 (162V 162Q)
Attempt 3 August 2024: 327 (162V 165Q)
Attempt 4 February 2025: 336 (170V 166V)
I’ll split this post out into different parts and its been a long journey so this is a long post. If you just want to scroll to a particular section you can. I have a TLDR at the bottom.
* Background
* General advice
* Study Schedule
* Resources
* Verbal Prep
* Quant Prep
* Test-taking strategies and tips
* What I’d do differently
I was taking the GRE for MBA admissions. A high score (330+) was my goal from the start as I was aiming for Top 10 MBA programs and I didn’t have a stellar undergrad GPA. In all honesty, I didn’t think I would actually break 330. I’d set it as more of a ‘Shoot for the moon, you’ll land amongst the stars’ type goal.
I’d consider myself of average intelligence and have never been a good test taker.
**General advice:**
Start early. Stay consistent. If you take nothing else from this post, take those words of advice. I started my journey in April 2024 and hit my goal score 10 months and 4 attempts later. This is especially important for those who aren’t great test takers or have a large knowledge gap. The people hitting 330+ on their first try are anomalies. Be ready for retakes. Starting early gives you enough time for subject mastery and to space out retakes, without the pressure of applications.
I put in at least 2-2.5 hours during the week and about 9-12 hours on the weekend. So about 15-20 hours a week while working a full-time job (40-50 hours a week). Take care of yourself during the prep. Don’t forget to eat healthy and get some exercise, these things matter and will contribute to your success whether you realize it or not.
Try to find frameworks for solving certain problem types or topics. Given the time constraint, introducing this methodical approach saves time, especially tougher concepts such as Probability, Combinations, higher order verbal questions etc.
* Gregmat (primarily Prepswift for learning concepts and then Quant Mountain
* Vince Kotchian Personalized Study Plan: This plan guided a lot of my mindset and studying strategy such as space repetition and when to move on to new concepts.
* Tutor
* Manhattan 5-lb
* Official GRE prep material (PP tests, official guide, Big book etc.)
I started my prep for about 3 months using Vince’s study plan which is essentially self study with guidance. If you are self-motivated but just need a bit of guidance, you’ll find this very helpful. I found Vince’s videos extremely helpful for my verbal prep and highly recommend them.
Gregmat was extremely helpful for quant for me and the vocab list is THE best resource and covers all the words you’d need.
After the 2nd attempt, I didn’t want to waste more time on test prep as I had to start working on the MBA applications so in order to be efficient with time I hired a tutor. I know these can be very expensive and I am under no illusions that I am fortunate enough to be able to afford one. If you can get one , get one. There are inexpensive options. I do think this was the single biggest value add (compounding what I learned with Vince and Gregmat) I made to my test prep. The goal is to get someone who knows the test well. If you go this route I suggest some self study first to make the most of the tutor’s direction.
**Verbal Prep:**
Verbal was always my strong suit so I probably only spent 20-25% of my total prep time here
SE Questions : As mentioned above for vocab, you can’t beat Gregmat’s Vocab mountain. Be consistent. Space repetition and consistency really helped here. It’s a pain in the ass but worth it. When first learning the list, I went through about 3 groups a day. Every 3rd day, I would review the list I’d learned 3 days ago in addition to the new group of 3. So about 6 groups a day when first learning. After I’d learned all the words, I’d do daily reviews, aiming for 8 groups a day with the same pattern of reviewing those 8 groups every 3rd day.
RC Questions: Read, read, read. Two things helped me with RC
1. Reading a lot. I’ve been in the habit of reading business articles and opinion pieces. Reading dense material related to those will help you build stamina. Someone on this sub recommended Arts and Letters Daily (specifically the Essays and Opinions section). I found that very useful. Vince’s Verbal prep course is extremely helpful in breaking down how this fits into the RC question types that GRE tests. He is a master of helping you frame your mind in the context of GRE Verbal. Highly recommend.
2. Read for understanding, not details. Really try to understand the tone, structure and general meaning of what you’re reading instead of focusing on the minute details. Re-wording the sentence you just read in your own words, within the context of the passage should be your goal. If you get to the point where you read a sentence or two and can almost predict what the next sentence is going to be about, you’ve attained enlightenment.
TC Questions: Gregmats videos on these are very helpful. This kind of goes hand in hand with point 2) on my RC. TC is all about really understanding the context and tone of the sentence and then finding the best fit from the choices.
**Quant Prep:**
I spent 80% of my prep here because I’m weak in quant. Greg’s videos help build an extremely good foundational understanding of concepts. In going through the prepswift videos I realized I had a very basic understanding of concepts. Greg breaks down concepts into their fundamentals which on test day really helps when you get stuck on something.
I would watch PrepSwift videos, do the post lesson quizzes, Tickbox quizzes and really drill down a weakness before moving on to a new concept. If you want a 330+ go for mastery. This will take a while but it will help.
Review the quant mountain every day if not every other day. Similar to my vocab strategy I would do 4 groups a day and repeat those every 3rd day for review.
For practice, after learning a topic, I would attempt 5-lb book questions to cement my understanding. I aimed for a 90%+ on that chapter. If I fell below that, I would try the questions I got wrong 1-2 more times before looking at the solution. I’d rewatch a video if needed. I had a word doc where I tracked what I did everyday. Nothing crazy just a sentence for what I’d done in verbal and what I did in quant. Including the questions I got wrong but not why I got them wrong.
In hindsight I may have benefited from a more robust error log. The point being - having a track of my mistakes and going back to those every so often helped me with mastery.
I hired the tutor after 3.5 months of self-study. If you plan on hiring one, I highly recommend doing self-study first and then hiring a tutor to fill in the gaps. I found the most value out of my tutor in quant with this strategy. Unless of course money isn't an issue then having a tutor from Day 1 will cut down your prep time by a lot.
**Test Taking Tips and Strategies**
I didnt start taking official mocks or PowerPrep tests until about 3 months into my journey. There are few of them so I didn’t want to waste them. I don’t remember my scores, I can dig them up if people want. I will say the only 330+ I every got was on one Manhattan mock.
But as is said often on this sub, the official GRE material is THE best way to get an understanding of the test.
Be ready to re-take. Especially if you want a 330+. I fully understand that the test is cost prohibitive to certain populations. ETS often has discount codes and this sub is great place to find them.
Listen to all the age-old advice you see on places like TTP, Gregmat, Magoosh about what to do in the weeks/days leading up to test day. I would have a ‘rest day’ every 2 weeks. I didn't do anything GRE related the day before the exam. Warm up questions before you go into the test. Eating healthy, plenty of rest.
Greg’s strategy videos for quant were extremely helpful for me. Verbal not so much but YMMV
**What I’d do differently**
This section probably seems contradictory to my advice above. I’d stop taking this so damn seriously. When I first started studying I think I went too hard and burnt out between attempts 2 and 3. I’d wake up at 4:45AM to study, I didnt see my friends for 4-5 months and only took a rest day once every 2 weeks. I put in 8-12 hours on the weekend and was OBSESSED with the test.
For my 4th attempt, I hadn’t studied in 4 months. I booked my test in early January and put in maybe 10 hours that ENTIRE month. I’d already put my MBA apps in and I was only retaking the test to try and get off the waitlists of some target programs so I didn't care. When I stopped caring, I found on test day I was the least anxious I’d been compared to any of the other attempts. I believe this state of mind unlocked all the latent mastery I’d worked on over the summer prior.
Good luck to all
Took GRE 4 times, scored a 336 on 4th attempt. Resources used were Vince Kotchian personalized study plan, Gregmat, Tutor, Manhattan 5-lb, Official GRE material.
Studied about 15-20 hours a week
I just recently moved and back where I used to live I had a good mechanic who gave me honest inspections and didn’t try to upcharge me on unnecessary costs.
I recently just got a regular visual inspection done at my local Meineke and was given a list of things wrong, the most crucial being a timing chain replacement, spark plug replacement, and serpentine belt replacement (according to the mechanic)
I was quoted $2.4k for the timing chain replacement and told this was an urgent matter that needed to be resolved in the next month or I risk my engine failing. Again this was just a regular maintenance inspection and there was no reason I came in other than doing my due diligence as a car owner.
I decided to call another shop and they told me there was no reason that I should be quoted anything regarding a timing chain replacement without a light turning on and/or a full inspection (versus just visual). Am I being scammed or is this an actual issue I should invest in? $2.4k is a very large cost to spend if it’s completely unnecessary.
This is a monstera Thai constellation and it is kinda brand new to me and normally I do succulents not leafy plants but what is this on the new leaf stalk- is this normal? Also how to best take care of this plant?
Like literally LONGING to. I'm constantly indulged in related subreddits I almost know everything about the game... But the thing is, I don't have the time! It demanding being consistent is an obstacle to me; 'cause I'm a study-addict nerd who cares about their grades.
I’ve gotten so many spam calls over the years (even though I’m not on the do not call registry) but the last two months, I have been receiving INCESSANT calls from a blocked number. Anyone have any tips for getting them then fuck off my phone?
For some reason my micro SD card doesn't work on the 3ds, but on my cellphone works perfectly
some games crash when try to use the SD card.
Oh, and also my Twilight menu++ doesn't work too
(Edit: I got deleted my first post but it's okay, someone told me to reformat the SD card, but I hope there's another way)
(Sorry for all the problems, I buy this like 3 weeks ago 😭)
**March 1974**
Despite the popularity of Indira following the Bangladesh Liberation War, there is growing discontent from the opposition parties. With India being hit by the oil crisis and economic strife, now is the time for the opposition to begin working towards building a stronger alliance against her. The opposition against Indira is unified only in their growing dislike for her, but otherwise they have radically different ideas of how to run the country. This will not result in an effective leadership if the opposition alliance is able to take control.
The INC(R) took 446 of the All India Congress Committee’s 705 members, and then also 44% of the vote and 352 seats in the 1971 general election. This forcing the INC(O) to re-organize itself in order to position itself to be able to usurp Indira in 1976. This means beginning negotiations with the opposition leaders of the various parties in order to come to common ground.
**Building an Unified Opposition Platform**
The goal for the opposition will be to have a shared vision between the various factions. While each party will have its focus and goals, the opposition alliance needs to have joint goals. For now, the platform will likely be emphasizing democracy, economic liberalization, and anti-corruption. This includes focusing on pressing issues like the License Raj which needs to be dismantled, which should see an increase in employment.
**Developing Grassroots Networks**
The opposition is going to need to also put a lot of effort into local and regional networks to drum up critical support among the electoral base. This is critical in order to end the support for the INC(R) which has entrenched support across India. If the opposition wishes to have a strong contention for seats in 1976, it must come from the people first. In addition, the opposition parties will be encouraged to work with their Youth and Student Wings in order to increase their voting base, and to help energize the public.
These efforts will also include partnering with key regional parties like the DMK in Tamil Nadu and Akali Dal in Punjab in order to gain more support in a coalition against Indira. However, this will need to be tactfully engaged as we do not need to increase the range of issues that require negotiations about. Thus we must bring in regional parties that are aligned with us, or require very little negotiations in order to bind together a strong coalition.
**Vision for Economic Reform**
With the growing discontent regarding India’s economic problems, a strong desire has been push forward to bring an end to the License Raj. Frustrations with India’s over-regulated economy and bureaucratic inefficiencies are growing. While there are many in the opposition who do not have an active issue with the License Raj, there are enough in the opposition who want to have economic reform, that critiquing these policies, reducing red tape, and promoting entrepreneurship will be a popular point of unity. It will also serve to help the economy, which should garner support from the public.
**Strengthen Leadership Unity**
Despite having a shared enemy in Indira Gandhi, the opposition leaders also had personal rivalries and ideological conflicts among themselves. Understanding this, and the fact that senior leaders like Morarji Desai tend to be stubborn, the party leadership, including Morarji Desai, Charan Singh, and Jagjivan Ram, have begun talks in the hopes of settling their differences for now. While it is still too early to decide on a single, clear leader, the coalition will need to eventually find someone that will bind them together in order to avoid future conflicts and built a cohesive identity for the opposition.
**Media Alliances**
While each of the parties have their own newspaper outlets, the leadership from the various parties are looking to forge relationships with independent news outlets in the hopes of spreading their messages. This is important in order to ensure that the people are hearing the opposition to Indira, and will make it hard for Indira to silence them.
Hi! This is an awesome system. I really like! So far, it's doing a lot of what other apps/sites I've tried could not.
Currently, my only complaint is the inability to apply multiple filters and views at the same time. My husband and I have been splitting tasks. Currently, it does not appear that I can filter for "assigned to me," "due today," *and* sort by Label all at the same time. I can only do one of those... This would be a really great improvement that would make it so much more user friendly. Even better would be the option to set "assigned to me" as the default view, as I almost never care to see what is on my husband's list.
Thanks again!
I have OCD so this is most probably a spiral. I am a visual person. I am a painter and i write what other people describe as vivid scenes. However, I did the apple test yesterday and im a lil confused as to what imagined thing vs visualized thing vs conceptually imagined thing may be. With my eyes open i can see an apple, multiple apples, types of apple, etc. Eyes closed, just the back of my eyes.
I went to a gallery show yesterday and if you asked me to reproduce some of the paintings in my head, i know the color, placement, tones, composition in what i perceive to be a visual way. It feels like seeing it. With my eyes open i can imagine it as a picture. But with my eyes closed, it all goes away. Is that on the spectrum of Aphantasia? Are erotic imagined scenes possible with Aphantasia? etc Just looking for clarity.